Our school tuckshop is operated by our wonderful volunteer
convenor and helpers alongside the school P&C. The tuckshop is open 1 day
per week, a Thursday.
Our menu offers an affordable range of healthy and
nutritious meals and snacks that are freshly made on site. There is a weekly
special that provides an exciting variety for the staff and students. Our menu meets
the requirements of Education Queensland, Queensland Association of school
tuckshops (QAST) and we adhere to the smart
choices External link guidelines.
We are a reef guardian school, and we try to recycle at
every opportunity. All fresh waste goes back into the kitchen garden compost
and all cans and poppers are put towards the container refund scheme. We are
aiming this year to switch to reusable crockery and cutlery to help reduce our
schools plastic waste even more.
How to Order
Last year we transitioned to an easy and convenient mobile
phone/device payment app called QKR! This is a safe and secure way to order
and pay for tuckshop or uniforms and we encourage students and families to
download the app. Please see the flyer for
more information.
· Orders
need to be placed before 12pm the day prior to tuckshop to help cater to
· A
limited amount of food may be available to purchase over the counter.
· Cash
will be accepted but QKR is the preferred method of payment.
Parent and community volunteers are always welcome and
encouraged. Most help is needed between 8.30am and 11:30. (Community volunteers need to have a
Blue Card, which can be applied for through the school for free). Please
contact the school for further information.
We are happy to accept any donations of dry goods, e.g.:
flour, packets cakes or biscuits, sugar and rice. We also welcome fresh
donations of fruit and vegetables. Donations of home baked goods are also
Breakfast Club
We are pleased to offer a free Breakfast Club at our school. On Wednesdays, students can enjoy toast, and on Fridays, the P&C provides sausage and bread. It's a great way for students to start their day.